Weekly Challenge: Paper Organization
WEEKLY CHALLENGE: Paper Organization
I have mentioned before that paper clutter is one of the most daunting tasks for me, and not much has changed on that front. So I'm excited to tackle this challenge this week because, as always, it's much needed in this household!Goals this week: • Recycle/shred unnecessary junk papers
• Transfer what I can to be stored electronically
• Update file system• Go through files and toss old/unnecessary junk
• Create a better mail system for incoming mail so I can tackle paper clutter from the moment it enters the house
• Go paperless where possible to stop the papers from entering the house in the first place
One reason I thought this would be a good challenge for the week is also because many of us have little students gearing up for another school year -- which means lots of papers, artwork, worksheets, forms, calendars, and more coming through the door. Having an organized system in place to handle in incoming paper clutter will be a game changer!
How do you store your paper clutter? Are you as lost as I am or do you have a system in place? I would love to know what works for those of you who are super organized. This is an area that I could use all the tips I can get! ☺
PS: does anyone else get stupid excited over colorful folders and stickers and markers when you're doing this kind of organizing? I feel like a second grader but I seriously love that part 😂😂
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