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Easter Inspired Craft: Egg Shakers

This craft is certainly not limited to Easter, but I'm willing to bet that many of you, like me, have these materials on hand this weekend so what better time to make.... egg shakers!

The best part about this craft is that it is so simple and you probably have most of the supplies on hand right now! My two-year-old loved making his egg shaker as much as he loved playing with it after - or possibly more!

What you need:

a bowl

a spoon

1-2 cups of rice, depending on how many shakers you make (dried beans work great, too!)

plastic Easter eggs


How-To Make Them:

I simply put about a cup of rice in a small plastic bowl and had my son spoon the rice into the eggs. He loved touching the rice and filling the egg, dumping it out and repeating so I let him do that a few times before we taped them shut. I let him "help" me tape the eggs shut, but in the end, I had to do that part to make sure they were sealed. Then, we turned on some music and had a dance party and shook our eggs along with the music! So simple, and he had an absolute blast. I wish I had taken some photos, but it was a quick, impromptu craft and we just got lost in the moment!

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