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Childbirth: What to Pack for the Hospital

Preparing for a baby, whether it's your first or your fifth, is super stressful You want to make sure everything is perfect, everything is prepared. I mean, it's literally programmed within us to start "nesting," or creating a safe space for our young in preparation of their arrival. It's instinctual.

I remember obsessing over my hospital checklist, I wanted to be completely prepared. I actually was NOT prepared with my firstborn. He came early, I had nothing packed at home and had no idea I would be admitted when I left that morning for my OB checkup. So for my second baby, I was even more obsessive in my planning! Generally speaking, I'm an over packer so this is somewhat of an Ultimate Checklist of everything you really could possibly need during your hospital stay!

For mom: Photo ID, insurance card, birth plan if you have one Music Essential oils/massage oils Comfy underwear (I loved the mesh undies they give you but not everyone does. I used both haha)

Comfy PJ pants Nursing tanks

Robe Slippers Flip flops for showers

Toiletries from home (ie: travel shampoo, conditioner, face wash, lotion, razor, shaving cream, makeup if you feel so inclined) Phone/charger

Laptop & charger (Obviously optional but the first time around I was in school and had classes online to finish so I brought it & the second time me and Dan used it to watch Netflix while Timmy slept haha) Nursing pads

Chapstick Lanolin

Comforts from home like pillows or blankets

Snacks for after labor (sometimes the cafeteria is closed so granola bars, dried fruit, animal crackers, juice are all great to have on hand!)

For baby: A diaper bag for drive home including 1-2 diapers, wipes, cream, warm blanket & a change of clothes. Homecoming outfit

2-3 outfits for hospital stay (some hospitals also provide white onesies, you can check that, as well) Boppy pillow

A rear-facing, installed car seat. Contact your local fire department to find certified car seat techs that can help you properly install it for you before baby arrives.

For birth partner: Camera, memory card, charger/batteries

Phone & charger


Snacks/change for vending machines

Photo ID


> Don't pack clothes that you care too much about if you plan on birthing in your own clothes vs. the hospital gown. The clothes I packed I used after delivery but definitely don't pack expensive fancy undies or PJs because your after birth bleeding may not be too forgiving. Just keepin' it real.

> If you plan to formula feed, most likely the hospital will want to provide it for you. Call and ask in advance. Did I miss anything essential? What else would you add to this list? What would you subtract?

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